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January 29, 2011


I woke up with a cold/flu!!!!!  I can't believe it!  It feels like forever since I've had a cold.  It's probably been a year, but it feels like a lifetime ago.  I despise colds.  Yes, serves, it serves, it serves.  And yes, yes...we experience both ends of the poles..sick/well, happy/unhappy, etc etc etc.  This too shall pass, and I will be well again.

It's been a while since I've not listened...but I will admit that the body gave me signs days ago, and I choose to ignore them.  I really wanted to finish transforming my space, so I could completely unpack and not feel like I'm living out of a suitcase.  Even with my leg muscles sore, arms sore and hands hurting from pulling carpet staples out of the floor...I pushed on!  I did.  

I also become very aware of the fact that I am way out of shape.  Not a good thing.  It's been months since I've done any walks outside..nada..zilch!!!  So as the soreness crept in, I told myself that I would stop this bullshit of ascension symptoms, and the energetics kicking my ass so bad that I can't go take care of my body.  I am not going to disagree that some downloads can knock me on my ass some days...but it's not everyday!  I am not surprised physically that I developed a cold!

Yesterday morning when I was still cold/flu less, I did wake up with an overwhelming sense of wanting to go back to work!  WTF!!!  Here I am, being...enjoying the sense of freedom for the past 4 months, and all of a sudden i want back in!  Nov/Dec was a damn rollercoaster ride, and letting go of my place...and now that that is over, released, let go of things to the humph degree, I want to go back???  I felt ready, and ready to go back with a new zest for life, gratitude, integrations..etc  Yet, I am not getting any responses to my resumes.  None.  But to be honest...i am not surprised either.

Root of the Issue...

I looked within...actually I did more of a step out, to look at what was going on, and why now this sense of wanting to go back to work?  Why am I not trusting that All is well, and everything will manifest in divine timing?  It took me a bit to consciously acknowledge this morning while I couldn't breathe from a stuffy nose.. it's about finances.  Yup, yup..hahaha oh well!!!  It's been worth it!  And of course the mind reminds me of all the places I want to explore on this beautiful Earth, that at the present moment I am not going to, because I made other choices...and will wait for the potentials to come back around.

Root Chakra is blocked from job and finance concerns, soooo, I wake up with a cold totally congested..go figure!!!!

Conscious and Aware

I still get caught at times in my own mental traps...yet I am sure acknowledging; being conscious and aware, are my golden tickets to being well from my cold/flu, and of course anything else in my life.

Flip the coin...

On the bright side...what gives me a big smile even with a cold, is I'm almost done with my project!!!!!

-Mom's clutter and ugly furniture out of the room-DONE
-New Closet organizer-DONE
-Room painted "cool sky" blue-DONE
-Ugly, oppressive carpet removed-DONE
-Laminate floors installed-DONE
-New baseboards-paint should be dry in the morning! (can't wait to play with the nail gun-woohoo)

Looks like February starts out with me personalizing my space w/furniture and accessories..and totally unpacking...I can't wait!!!

All Is Well in the Universe!!!!!! (sniffle)



  1. We are all feeling like that!
    As the trace heads downwards it feels like the sea receding out before returning as a tsunami!

  2. I now feel awful and have a sore throat! This is always a sign of the throat chakra and about speaking your own truth which I did yesterday at length! Few people listened and even fewer understood but expressing your authentic self in this ...way expands the source itself and so eventually everyone will know and understand - they just don't realise it yet!
    This is big.............

    Steve Rother just mentioned this solar flare on the lightworker broadcast and said it will have a major personal cleansing effect for us if we simply allow it to do so.

  3. Definitely speaking our thruth and I also tried to share this with a friend and the answer was that i was the one who brought the sicknenn..... didn't understand what i meant..... but... well... not important really as long as WE understand what is happening to us.. :) I actually like this clearing thing..... I can say and feel that it is working beautifully.... Nice to read some confirmation... Thanks Adam :)

  4. Yeah I don't mind wringing out the old body if it gets quicker results Nicole! And you can hold people off with the nail gun till you feel better Carol!

    We all thought we would be teleporting everywhere and living in the lap of luxury by didn't we?!!
    I expect we are in other dimensions and this clear out will make room for it all to come in now!

  5. Hmmm..interesting Adam. Generally when One supresses One's truth, the throat chakra will be misaligned, or blocked. Causing such symptoms as a sore throat, a cough, etc etc Something you might want to take a look at, if you so chose.

    You say you spoke your truth at great lengths yesterday, yet you have a sore throat? Either you spoke yourself hoarse, or maybe it was some kind of spiritual regurgitation; and deep down inside its not necessarily your truth. But only you can define that for youself, I can not.

    Nicole...maybe indeed you did bring the sickness, in order to co-create in an experience with your friend? Not everything is what it appears to be.

    I'm a believer that there really is no "truth", yet there are over 7 billions truths on Earth. I don't embrace the "we" or "our"...or there truly being an understanding of "what is happening to us". Your comment reminds me of when children tease each other..."I know more than you know..nah nah nah nah.." trying to belittle the one that is perceived to not have the same knowledge or informations as another.

    I do believe that whatever esoteric, spiritual, new age, philosophical, religious, psychosomatic modalities or lack there of, that works for the individual to get thru this god foresaken lifetime...then so be it...

    Enjoy the clearing Dear Ones (smile)

    And so it is...

    Love You,


  6. hope you feel better soon Carol and your room sounds great, love Tony

  7. Thank you Tony! I'm no carpenter...but it feels good to create something and work with my hands again! And to have even a small room that lacks my parents clutter and hoarding is refreshing...i feel like I can breathe.

    This house is incredible with the amount of junk in it. It's not as bad as in the show Hoarders...but can get that way real fast, I'm sure of it. You can't move without knocking something over..bumping into something, breaking something...every nook and cranny is taken.

    I had to cut the pergo outside cuz there is no room in the garage! same with the baseboards. Takes hours to find anything in the house. Ohhh...I don't even want to energize it anymore by talking about it...

    I shall ride on the bliss that the area I will occupy resonates more with my state of being. ♥ ♥

  8. it sounds like my father in laws garage man what a hoarder, as i paint houses for a living i can appreciate the amount of work that goes into renovating, im always impressed by what a diffrence a coat of paint makes it changes the whole vibe, speaking of which i better crash as im painting in the morning nighty night...

  9. The coat of paint completely changed the vibe, for sure! From a dark Sage color to a very pale, pale blue...immediately the sun (and sky haha) came pouring in. Even makes the room feel a bit bigger. son and I have nicknamed the garage "the black hole"..what goes in, doesn't come out!! or u just can't find it! And when they supposedly clean up the house, like for company..they just shove everything in the garage!

    And then they wonder why abundance isn't knocking on their door!!!! Hell, there's no room for anything new! They're in denial that the Universe is actually doing them a favor, so they won't get buried alive!

    Huge, Huge lesson in living in the Now...don't need it right now, get rid of it!

    Nite, Nite!

  10. I maybe totally full of shit here but...

    I watched some funny movies, but still congested! I took medicine with psuedoephredrine...temporary relief, but still felt sick. I had chicken soup, tons of tea..nothing!!! I tried to pretend like I wasn't ill (fake it 'til u make it) I felt worse today then yesterday..What the Fuck???

    I pulled out my healing wand...hey, i thought "you never know!!!" But I felt so sick, I curled up and fell asleep without doing anything with the wand, but napped with it in my hand. I felt soooo much better when i woke up a few hours later!!! I'm not 100%, but boy, I feel better.

    Was it the nap? was it the crystal wand? I totally believe in psychosomatic...positive thinking etc etc as a form for one to heal oneself...problem is, that I don't mentally always feel that a healing wand is my cure all...know what I mean? I know for those that truly believe it works, it will.

    Doesn't matter!!!! I lost a day on my project...and shall finish nailing in the baseboards tomorrow..woohoo. xoxoxo

