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January 25, 2011

Could it Be Just a Dream?

Is it All Just a Dream?

I've been getting lost in painting the room my parents graciously have let me occupy.  I'm just about ready to move onto re-doing the floors...and I somehow got lost in thoughts and daydreams...

As I stop for a moment and take a bit of a brake...I flashed on years ago when I saw the movie the Sixth Sense..or whatever it was called when the kid can see spirits/ghosts.  I remember when I saw this movie and the difficult phase I was in at that time in my life.  I once again was in one of the phases wondering if there was more to life...if there was more!  And the synchronicities came into play to where I went to go see this movie.

Though I don't like to admit certain things, I do remember feeling uncomfortable from that movie and it did trigger some childhood memories and not liking things that "go bump in the night"...but what made a huge impact on me, was that feeling of life being one big misunderstanding and being in just a dream. 

I don't know how many times this lifetime, I have felt that nothing is's all like some kind of crazy fucked up dream.  I remember in the movie, those scenes towards the end when the doctor flashes back on the past few days events, and how he interpreted peoples actions and reactions to him...and then "waking up" to realize that he was already dead and had misinterpeted what was going on and why his wife reacted and said what she did.  Talk about the understanding in the sayings "You create your own reality!"

I don't know how many times this lifetime I have felt the same.  I don't know how many times I have wondered and have whispered to the ethers my question "Am I already dead and in a made up world, like a dream...acting and reacting to people and events that truly aren't there, or isn't real?"  Is it all an illusion made up from my mind being projected?  

Almost like when I ponder if I might be deaf and only believe I can hear because no one has ever told me I'm deaf...but that I can leave to another crazy blog post..haha

I don't even know if this post makes sense...since it is more of an internal feeling and very difficult for me to express in words.  Sometimes I look at people around me..and feel truly no one is really there...

Changing Dreams...

I also recall a time when I was inundated with nightmares as a child.  I couldn't sleep (i still have issues sleeping...bump in the night fears!).  I had watched some public program about being able to change your take control and turn them around.  I became very mastered at it, and even today I can become somewhat conscious in a dream and turn a nightmare around.

Then I wonder...if this is a dream that I call "awake", why have I not been able to instantly change the "nightmare"?  Why does it not seem so instant to change an unpleasantry into pleasant?

I'm not sure the answer, but I shall try to consciously change things around and dream pleasant dreams...



  1. Or It could be that I'm just fucking bored...hahaha


  2. I want to share something with you, Kero.

    A few years ago I dreamt a dream that felt very real and when waking up I remembered it, still today I do. I was in the dream upset with some situation at work, being not appreciated. [it actually even was like that in the awake time].

    I saw myself asking people to help me, and because I was so upset as the people did not answer my questions, I just made myself wake up in the dream. So, after I left the people, I went throught a kind of portal, and woke up in a beautiful area. I was lying on a stone with a blue blanket over me. Someone male with much hair came to me and said 'you have to go back, you have not finished'. I just had the time to look at both sides, and there were other stones with people under a blue blanket, they were all sleeping.

    Then I woke up 'here'.

    The movie Inception has similar intake, and also The Matrix. The body is sleeping somewhere else.

    I know this dream to be more real than where we are, and I have shared that with someone I consider well connected to the other realms. He said to me 'you were not supposed to remember that dream'.

    So, we are dreaming, we are having an experience, it is all illusion.

    Did I take you away from being bored ? I sure hope so.

    I am now wondering why I am still here, knowing all this. Well, there is only one answer, because I want to, because I want to be here. As the days shift now, I am contemplating the next steps, there is not so much that keeps me here anymore, it seems that the reality does not match my 'vibration' ~ so, the only thing for me is to remain allowing, flowing and enjoying the experience as long as it lasts.


  3. Yes,

    I do remember some transmission from The Kryon where he mentions that indeed we are "somewhere" sleeping while on the existance here on Earth.

    I've asked myself the exact same questions..why am I still here? Not much resonates, and what does resonate seems to be just a step away..right out of reach at the moment.

    Indeed I want to be here as well and go with the flow! I haven't really contimplated the "next step"..I have mostly been transforming my space to be more reflective to my own vibration at the moment and trying to remain conscious and aware when the next potential is right in front of my face for me to choose (smile)

